Guillermo Haro 2014: Advanced School on Integral Field Spectroscopy
Techniques and Analysis
Format of
the school
List of
and Logistics
Online lectures
1 - Introduction to IFS
IFS technique and instrumentation, present and future
(M. Roth)
Principles of IFS: observational techniques and data reduction
(S. F. Sánchez)
Principles of IFS data analysis: spatial binning, continuum subtraction, line fitting
(Enrique Pérez)
2 - Analysis of stellar populations using IFS
Overview of galaxy formation in different environments
(A. Aragón-Salamanca)
The separate formation of different galaxy components: linking galaxy dynamics and stellar populations
(A. Aragón-Salamanca)
Simple Stellar Populations
(M. Mollá)
Observational determination of physical properties in stellar populations
(P. Sánchez-Blázquez)
3 - Analysis of nebular emission using IFS
The study of the gas emission with IFS in nearby galaxies
(S. F. Sánchez)
The CALIFA contribution to SFR studies
(J. Iglesias)
Aperture corrections based on IFS: extinction, SFR and metallicity
(J. Iglesias)
4 - Kinematics and IFS
Distribution of angular momentum in nearby galaxies
(J. Falcón-Barroso)
Kinematic components in galaxies: linking galaxy dynamics and stellar populations
(A. Aragón-Salamanca)
5 - Two-dimensional analysis
Mathematical characterization of galaxies using IFS data I
(Y. Ascasibar)
Mathematical characterization of galaxies using IFS data II
(Y. Ascasibar)
Chemical evolution modelling for spiral and irregular galaxies
(M. Mollá)
Theoretical modelling of galaxy spectra (Hands-on session)
(M. Mollá)
6 - IFS applied to specific techniques
IFS of SN host galaxies
(L. Galbany)
IFS of SN host galaxies (Hands-n session)
(L. Galbany)
The study of star-forming dwarf galaxies with IFS I
(P. Papaderos)
IFS in the near-IR: instrumentation, techniques, data reduction
(J. Piqueras)
IFS in the near-IR: the study of (U)LIRGs
(J. Piqueras)
IFS in the near-IR: NGC1068 (Hands-on session)
(J. Piqueras)
7 - The future of IFS
Future IFS surveys: MaNGA and its potential in the study in of the separate formation of bulges and disks
(A. Aragón-Salamanca)
IFS surveys: a panoramic view of galaxies
(S. F. Sánchez)