Format and programme of the school
The school will run from Monday to Friday, and it will be organized into:
- Lecture sessions (morning)
- 2-3 lectures (40+5 min) providing a pedagogical introduction to the scientific problems to be tackled in the hands-on sessions,
including both the theoretical background as well as the observational context.
- 2-3 short contributions (20+5 min) summarizing the state of the art, with special emphasis on the contribution of IFS techniques.
Presentations of past or forthcoming results by the participants are strongly encouraged.
- Discussion (30 min) focused on plans for future work.
- Hands-on sessions (afternoon)
- Explanation of the exercise & preliminaries (90 min)
- Tutorial & actual work (90 min)
A broad list of topics to be covered during are the following:
- Introduction to IFS
- IFS technique
- IFS instrumentation, present and future
- Common IFS software
- Data retrieval, principles of reduction
- Principles of IFS data analysis: spatial binning, continuum subtraction, line fitting
- Analysis of stellar populations
- Theory: SSPs, chemical evolution
- Observations: total mass, SFR, SFH
- Analysis tools and methods
- Spectroscopic bulge-disk decomposition
- Barred galaxies & abundance gradients
- Analysis of nebular emission
- Analysis tools and methods
- Nebular diagnostics
- Spatially resolved abundances
- Aperture corrections based on IFS
- AGN vs. galaxy-host decomposition
- Effects of geometry & spatial resolution on IFS
- SNe & IFS
- Kinematics
- Theory & observations
- Distribution of angular momentum (SAURON, CALIFA)
- Analysis tools and methods, kinemetric
- Future IFS surveys
- Extension to infrared IFS data
- Combination of IFS with multi-wavelength data
- Future prospect on IFS