
Conference Program
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Venue: Room Madrid, Melia Hotel, Puerto Vallarta
Sunday 15th of April 2007
19:30 |
Welcome cocktail and registration at Room Alicante of the Melia Hotel, Puerto Vallarta |
Monday 16th of April 2007
Chair: Miguel Chávez |
09:00 |
Welcome addresses: Yolanda Cuevas, Miguel Chávez, Hector Ulloa |
09:30 |
Rest-frame visible and UV properties of red galaxies at 1 < z < 2 (part I).
Patrick McCarthy |
10:00 |
Rest-frame visible and UV properties of red galaxies at 1 < z < 2 (part II).
Alvio Renzini |
10:30 |
Effects of reionization on high-z stellar populations.
Daniel Babich |
10:50 |
Rest-frame near-UV properties of early-type galaxies at z~1.
Sperello di Serego Alighieri |
11:10 |
Coffee Break |
11:40 |
Photoionization, recombination and radiative decays of atoms and ions.
Sultana Nahar |
12:40 |
Science planning for the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope.
Leonardo Ubeda |
13:00 |
Lunch |
Chair: Luis Carrasco |
16:00 |
Population synthesis at short wavelength: a few things one has to know for understanding high-redshift galaxy evolution.
Alberto Buzzoni |
16:30 |
Metallicity dependence of UV upturn among evolved stellar populations.
Paul Goudfrooij |
17:00 |
Near-UV merger signatures in early-type galaxies.
Jodie Martin |
17:20 |
Vimos U-band observations of massive elliptical galaxies at z~1 in the field
(GOODS-S) and in clusters (RDCS1252 at z=1.24).
Alessandro Rettura |
17:40 |
End of session |
Tuesday 17th of April 2007
Chair: Sally Heap |
09:00 |
GALEX studies of early type galaxies: the UV rising flux and residual star formation.
Michael Rich |
10:00 |
Stellar populations in field early-type galaxies.
Francesca Annibali |
10:20 |
Synthetic UV spectroscopic indices of stars and stellar populations.
Miguel Chávez |
10:40 |
GALEX UV observations of elliptical galaxies in Abell clusters at z < 0.25.
Chang Hee Ree |
11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 |
A morphological study of M81: a comparison between Galex and Spitzer images.
Ivanio Puerari |
11:50 |
The UV bright globular clusters with extended horizontal-branch as remaining cores of galaxy building blocks.
Young Wook Lee |
12:20 |
UV observations of hot stellar populations in galactic globular clusters.
Francesco Ferraro |
12:50 |
Infant mortality of star clusters: the origin of the diffuse UV emission.
Anne Pellerin |
13:10 |
Are the compact star clusters in M82 evolving towards globular clusters?
Divakara Mayya |
13:30 |
Lunch, End of session |
20:00 |
Dinner at the Terraza of the La Palapa restaurant (in the Hotel).
Live SAX music performed by Pablo Ramirez |
Wednesday 18th of April 2007
Chair: Gustavo Bruzual |
09:00 |
The World Space Observatory.
Ana Ines Gomez de Castro & Mikhail Sachkov |
10:00 |
The focal-plane instruments on board WSO-UV.
Mikhail Sachkov |
10:30 |
A binary model for UV-upturn of elliptical galaxies.
Zhanwen Han |
11:50 |
Poster session |
12:20 |
Coffee, End of session, Lunch & Free Afternoon |
NOTE:Those willing to go on a pre-hispanic boat trip, please contact the travel agency within the Hotel or Rosario Sanchez at the Conference registration desk. For more info check this site www.marigalante.com.mx/esp/default.asp
Thursday 19th of April 2007
Chair: Divakara Mayya |
09:00 |
Recent progress in modeling stellar atmospheres.
Ivan Hubeny |
10:00 |
White dwarfs as photometric calibrators for wide field surveys.
Jay Holberg |
10:30 |
A precise new method for correcting the temperature in stellar atmospheres. II. An iterative algorithm.
Octavio Cardona |
10:50 |
Ultraviolet stellar and cluster spectra compared to theoretical templates.
Ruth Peterson |
11:10 |
Coffee Break |
11:40 |
Absolute UV fluxes from the Sun and other late-type stars.
Carlos Allende-Prieto |
12:10 |
New model atmospheres: testing the solar spectrum in the UV.
Lino Héctor Rodríguez Merino
12:30 |
Subdwarf B and subdwarf O stars: Which evolutionary pathways?
Ralf Napiwotzki |
13:00 |
Lunch |
16:00 |
The BSS radial distribution: clues on the formation mechanisms.
Barbara Lanzoni |
16:20 |
UV excess in elliptical galaxies: the AGB connection.
Rosa Amelia Gonzalez |
16:40 |
Magnetic Structure of the Dynamic Chromosphere.
Alan Title |
17:00 |
Horizontal Branch Stars and the Ultraviolet Universe.
Marcio Catelan (ia) |
17:30 |
End of session |
18:30 |
Folk Ballet @ the Hotel Melia |
21:00 |
Get together @ El Faro ( Lighthouse) of Marina Vallarta |
Friday 20th of April 2007
Chair: Carlos Allende Prieto |
10:00 |
Constraining galaxy evolution using observed UV-optical spectra.
Sally Heap |
11:00 |
Spectral indices from the UV to the far red.
Gustavo Bruzual |
11:30 |
Synthesis models in a probabilistic framework.
Miguel Cerviño |
12:00 |
Coffee Break |
12:30 |
Extended emission of ultra compact HII regions.
Eduardo de la Fuente |
12:50 |
Colours of the envelopes of cD galaxies.
Simon Kemp |
13:10 |
Concluding remarks by Carlos Allende Prieto |
14:00 |
End of session, End of Conference and Lunch |
Poster presentations
- P1. High redshift simulations with the UV images of GALEX nearby galaxies survey.
Bum-Suk Yeom et al.
- P2. An atlas of GALEX UV spectra selected from the CDFS.
Martha Bello & Daniel Rosa Gonzalez
- P3. Spectroscopic UV indices of galactic globular clusters.
Javier Morales-Hernández et al.
- P4. Age and metallicity of elliptical galaxies through UV spectroscopic indices.
Gerardo Ramos-Larios et al.
- P5. Weak X-ray galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South: catching an early
stage of star formation.
Jesus Lopez et al.
- P6. The impact of encounters on the members of local group analogs. A view from
Lucio Buson et al.
- P7. Astronomy at the University of Guadalajara.
Miguel Chávez et al.
- P8. NGC 4214 cluster properties derived from multi-band photometry.
Leonardo Ubeda
- P9. GALEX UV observations of globular clusters in M31.
Soo Chang Rey
- P10. GALEX UV spectroscopy of extended objects: the case of NGC3079.
Daniel Rosa Gonzalez
- P11. Recombination rates, resonance strengths and line profiles of dielectronic
satellite lines of He-like Ca, Fe.
Sultana N. Nahar & Anil K. Pradhan
- P12. Spectroscopic study of pulsations in CP stars.
M. Sachkov & T. Ryabchikova
- P13. Efficiency of selected UV space based spectrometers.
V. Klochkova, V. Panchuk, M.Sachkov, M. Yushkin