Morning Talks Tentative Program
The morning talks scheduled so far are listed here. Please, notice
that changes are expected as the complete list of participants and their
attendance dates is assembled.
Week 1:
3/7 |
Opening Ceremony of the Tenth GH Workshop
J. Franco, J. González, R. Terlevich: The Twin Project |
4/7 |
M. Ward: Durham and the Twin project
B. Keel: Data-handling challenges for massively multiplexing spectrometers |
5/7 |
D. Eisenstein: Seeing Sound with Wide-field Spectroscopy
M. Strauss, R. Lupton, A. Shapley: Princeton and the Twin project |
6/7 |
Changbom Park: Science Cases with the WFT |
7/7 |
D. Hughes: The Large Millimeter Telescope: Science and Status
Byeong-Gon Park, Sang-Chul Kim,Yong-Ik Byun: Korea and the Twin Project |
Week 2:
10/7 |
V. Luridiana: The probabilistic approach to synthesis models and their implications
for high resolution observations
11/7 |
M. Chavez: Theoretical tools for the analysis of high resolution stellar spectra
Dae-Sik Moon:
Korean Efforts for the Twin Telescopes Instruments
12/7 |
G. Galazutdinov: High resolution spectroscopy and absorption interstellar features
G. Valyavin: A preliminary design study of high resolution fiber-fed
spectrograph-polarimeter for a large telescope of 6-7m aperture |
13/7 |
R. Guzman : Florida and Twin
M. Garcia-Vargas: Elmer scientific performance from the pre-shipping acceptance test |
14/7 |
D. Hughes: The Large Millimeter Telescope: Scientific Cases (II)
Week 3:
17/7 |
R. Cid-Fernandes: Evolution of galaxies
Miguel Cerviņo:
The Virtual Observatory and its analysis tools: towards virtual telescopes?
18/7 |
J. Allington-Smith: Fibres and IFUS for Twin
Rodolfo Barba: Massive Protostars and other bugs in the Magellanic Clouds
19/7 |
20/7 |
S. Bressan: Tackling AGN host galaxies with 8 m class telescopes
21/7 |
Public Talks
July 7, 18:00-19:00. El Universo Luminoso. Dr. Francisco Sánchez
July 14, 18:00-19:00. El Lado Oscuro del Universo. Dr. Rafael Guzmán