
alonsocorona inaoep.mx
Corona obtained his BSc. in Electronics Engineering from
ITESM, Mexico and his PhD from the University of Birmingham,
UK in 2001. His PhD thesis concerned microwave beamformers
using High Temperature Superconductors. From 2001 to 2004
he was a microwave engineer for CryoSystems Ltd (UK) where
he developed superconducting Front Ends for the telecommunications
industry. Moreover, he was an Honorary Research fellow at
the Electrical Engineering Department of the University
of Birmingham, UK (2001-2004). In September 2004 he joined
the Large Millimeter Telescope, INAOE, where he is currently
a professor at the Electronics Department. In April 2009
he was awarded a Fulbrigth fellowship to carry out research
at the Electrical Engineering Department, University of
California at Los Angeles. Dr. Corona is a member of the
National Systems for Researchers (SNI), Senior Member IEEE and the IET.
Jose Luis Olvera
jolvera inaoep.mx
José Luis Olvera Cervantes received the B.Sc degree
in physics and mathematics from the National Polytechnic
Institute (IPN) in Mexico D.F. in 2001 and M.Sc. and PhD
degrees in Electronic and Telecommunications from CICESE
research center Ensenada B.C. Mexico (2005 and 2008 respectively).
He was working on modeling and characterization of small-signal
equivalent circuit and noise properties of HBTs, HEMTs,
PHEMTs at room and cryogenic temperatures. Moreover, he
was invited to work on the field of modeling, and characterization
of small-signal equivalent circuits for SiGe HBT at room
and cryogenic temperatures at Georgia Institute of Technology
(GT) and Georgia Electronic Design Center (GEDC) at Atlanta
USA. His research is mainly focused on the areas of characterization
of microwave transistors (SiGe HBTs and P-HEMT’s),
design of ultra low noise amplifiers, microwave filters,
on wafer characterization of high-frequency transistors
and modeling of S-parameters and noise parameters at cryogenic
temperatures, design of cryogenic amplifiers, analysis,
design and applications of Metamaterials and Left-handed
Materials for microwave devices, analysis and design of
planar antennas and design of radiofrequency communication
systems at microwave and millimeter wave frequencies.
was born in Samalkot, Andhra Pradesh, India on August 1980.
He received Bachelor of Science from Andhra University,
Andhra Pradesh; and Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics
and Telecommunications from Institute of Engineers, India.
He obtained Master of Science in Physics from Madras University,
India. He received Ph.D on Microwave Physics in 2007 from
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India. In 2007,
he joined the Large Millimeter Telescope, I.N.A.O.E, Mexico
as Associate Researcher C. He was selected as a candidate
of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) in 2008.
His current research interests include Substrate Integrated
Waveguide Circuits, Passive millimeter wave imaging, Metamaterials,
Ultra wide band Antennas, Microwave measurements on semiconductors,
heterostructures and polymer-carbon nanotubes


Torrealba Melendez
Microwave Systems |
rtorreal ieee.org |
Alberto Escobar Peláez
Microwave Planar Filters |
johannyescobar inaoep.mx |
Arcesio Arbelaez Nieto
Design and Implementation of Wideband Antennas |
arbelaez inaoep.mx |


H. Lobato-Morales (CICESE) |
PhD |
E. Colin-Beltran (University of Cambridge) |
PhD |
T. Kaur (UDLA) |
PhD |
J. Alonso Buitrago-Molina (Huawei) |
MSc |
I. Hernandez-Diaz |
MSc |
B. Lopez-Garcia (INTEL) |
MSc |
Rosario Hernandez-Gonzalez |
MSc |
Reyes-Ayona (INAOE) |
MSc |