Hotel Information

We have arranged relatively cheap accommodation with the 'Hotel Posada Señorial" in Cholula, from where buses will collect the participants in the morning and take them back in the evening.
The registered participants should book their hotel reservation not later than the 15th of April 2005.

The cost for a double or triple room is of 470 and 525 Mexican pesos, respectively plus 25 pesos for transport per person per day (in total about 46 US dollars or 36 Euros per day). Note that there is the possibility to join with other student of the school to occupy the same double or triple room and thus lower the accommodation cost to 1/2 or 1/3 of the price.

Hotel address:
Av. 5 de Mayo #1400, San Andres, Cholula, Puebla (not to be confused with a similarly named hotel at the center of Cholula).
The booking can be done by email or by phone.
The email to which you should send your booking details (name, dates etc) is:,
and the telephone number: +52-222-2470049, +52-222-2476677, +52-222-2477479, +52-222-2479283

You should also state clearly in your email message or telephone the following:
"For the conference Pan-Chromatic View of Clusters organized by INAOE"

Please send also a copy of your hotel booking details (name, institute, dates etc) to the GH2005 secretary in the following email address: (just for our information - the GH2005 organization will not deal with your booking arrangements).

© INAOE - AGC 2004