Data Analysis using the MEGARA pipeline
Please read the MEGARA Cookbook at the MEGARA project webpage. Monday, September 3 (3pm-6pm) 3-4:30pm: Exposure Time Calculator (ETC; GTC link) (30 min presentation + 1h hands-on) Speaker: Armando Gil de Paz Hands-on support: África Castillo-Morales / Marisa García Vargas Goal: During this hands-on session we will introduce to the audience the use of the online Exposure Time Calculator of MEGARA. This tool is run from the GTC servers and can be used to prepare the Phase 1 of GTC proposals. It allows to estimate the expected S/N as a function of wavelength for each spectral setup and mode of MEGARA under different observing conditions. Requirements: Web browser (Google Chrome and Firefox are strongly recommended). If there is time we will also give some instructions to use the Phase 2 of the MEGARA proposal preparation. 4:30-6pm: Fiber MOS Assignment Tool (FMAT; code at GTC; configuration files available here) (30 min presentation + 1h hands-on) Speaker: Pedro Gómez-Álvarez Hands-on support: África Castillo-Morales / Armando Gil de Paz Goal: During this session we will demonstrate the use of the Fiber-MOS Assignment Tool (or FMAT) in order to prepare and optimize the MOS observations with the MEGARA instrument. This tool is accesible at the GTC web. Sample input and output files will be also provided during the hands-on session. The FMAT allows to automatically assign sources to each and all of the 92 MEGARA robotic positioners based on proximity and priorities set by the user in the corresponding input catalogue file. Requirements: Java compatible machine (the code is distributed as a standalone Java tool). This (java) tool should be initially executed with internet connection in order to allow updating the configuration files available at the GTC servers.