ISYA28 Photo Gallery
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reproduction of the photographs
Opening of the school
25th of July
Left to right: Alberto Carramiñana, Michele Gerbaldi,
José Guichard,
Francisco Soto and Itziar Aretxaga
photo by Derick Cornwall
The faculty
Left to right and top to bottom: Claudia Mendes talking to Luis
Ramírez after her class, Rafael Guzmán, Elena Terlevich, Enrique
Gaztañaga, Michele Gerbaldi, David Hughes, Vahram Chavushyan, Massimo Turatto, Guillermo Tenorio-Tagle,Bill Wall,Susana Lizano, Rodolfo Barbá, Manuel Peimbert and Ed Guinan.
Photos (8,11) by Gorgonio Cerón and (the rest) by Itziar Aretxaga
The assistants to the faculty
Olga Vega, Abelardo Mercado and Julia Arias
photos by Itziar Aretxaga
Glimpses at miscellaneous academic activities at INAOE
Discussions during the poster sessions, and participants at one of
the Observational Techniques Labs.
Students in the classroom taking notes, and asking questions
August 1st, presentations of the best posters selected by the students:
Faviola Molina, Martha Bello, Juan Rafael Martínez Galarza and Daniela Villegas.
August 11th, presentations of the best posters (-4 already presented)
selected by lecturers and organizers:
Fabián Rosales, Natalia Asari, Felipe de Oliveira and Olga Vega
photos (1) by Gorgonio Cerón, (2,4) by Derick Cornwall, and
(the rest) by Itziar Aretxaga