NP Black Holes

Brian Punsly
4014 Emerald St. #116, Torrance, CA 90503, USA

It has become clear that there exists at least one new class of high energy galactic gamma ray source besides pulsars and SNRs.It is now commonly accepted that black holes populate the Galaxy. This talk connects the two ideas by suggesting the possibility that a new class of galactic high energy gamma ray source is the subpopulation of magnetized black holes. Other compact objects (white dwarfs and neutron stars) have a magnetized subpopulation, so why not black holes? The black hole and its magnetosphere are known as NP black holes, since electrodynamically they are very similar to pulsars except that they don't pulse because the magnetic field symmetry axis and the black hole rotation axis are always aligned. The black hole can drive bipolar jets of pair plasma as a consequence of the gravitohydromagnetic (GHM) dynamo behavior of the ergosphere. As for radio loud AGN, inverse Compton scattering in these jets can create high energy gamma rays. NP black holes are rapidly rotating and have an electric charge similar in magnitude to the neutron star in the standard pulsar model. I will discuss why this charge is no more mysterious than that of the pulsar, since the amount of charge is a consequence of rotationally induced EMFs (from frame dragging effects near the NP black hole) that are more significant than electrostatic forces. Furthermore, I will sketch the physics of jet creation and its observational consequences.