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A few nice LMT/AzTEC images of the Epsilon Eridani system at millimeter wavelengths.

LMT/AzTEC 1.1mm image of the Epsilon Eridani (see Chavez-Dagostino et al. 2016 for details). At the center of the image stands the star sourrounded by a debris ring. Labels indicate other sources in the field of unknown nature (possibly backgound submm galaxies).

LMT/AzTEC 1.1mm image of the Epsilon Eridani (see Chavez-Dagostino et al. 2016 for details).

LMT/AzTEC 1.1mm image of the Epsilon Eridani (see Chavez-Dagostino et al. 2016 for details). To compare the size of the Epsilon Eridani system with the Solar system, we depicted the orbits of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptun, Uranus and Pluto.
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