December 8 - 12, 2003
Cozumel, Mexico
The Guillermo Haro 2003
Scientific Program
(Allocated time includes questions/discussion)
Sunday 7
18:00 Registration
20:00 Welcome Cocktail
Monday 8
Part I. AGN surveys
X-ray Surveys
09:00-09:15 Opening
09:15-09:50 G. Hasinger X-ray surveys
09:50-10:15 F. Bauer A long, hard look at the X-ray Background
- The Chandra Deep Fields (Invited)
10:15-10:40 F. Fiore High Energy Large Area Surveys with Chandra
and XMM-Newton (Invited)
10:40-11:00 X. Barcons Medium and Deep X-ray Surveys with
11:00-11:30 Coffee and poster viewing
11:30-11:50 J. Silverman Unveiling the AGN
population with ChaMP's X-ray vision
11:50-12:10 I. Georgantopoulos Hard X-ray selected sources
in the XMM-Newton/2df survey
12:10-12:30 R. Griffiths Beyond the detection
limits of Deep X-ray Surveys: Normal Galaxies or AGN?
Optical and IR Surveys
12:30-12:55 G. Richards
Physics from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Invited)
12:55-13:15 Z. Ivezic
and Radio Properties of Extragalactic Radio Sources
16:00-16:25 S. Croom AGN
Physics & Cosmology from the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (Invited)
16:25-16:50 L. Wisotzki
The evolution
of optically faint AGN from the COMBO-17 survey (Invited)
16:50-17:10 M. Urry GOODS AGN
17:10-17:30 N. Loaring Disentangling the luminosity-redshift
dependence of QSO clustering
17:30-18:00 Coffee and poster viewing
18:00-18:20 R. Mujica IR spectroscopy of the most distant QSOs
18:20-18:40 M. Brusa Are QSO2 hiding among EROs?
18:40-19:00 C. Sanchez-Fernandez The nature of the sources
of the mid-IR background light
19:00-19:20 W. Freudling Hot Dust in AGNs
Tuesday 9
mm/submm Surveys
09:00-09:25 A. Omont
far-infrared dust emission from high-z QSOs (Invited)
09:25-09:50 C. Carilli
gas in high redshift quasars (Invited)
09:50-10:15 L. Carrasco
promise (Invited)
10:15-10:35 D. Alexander
in submm galaxies
10:40-11:10 Coffee and poster viewing
Radio Surveys
11:10-11:35 R. Becker
Radio selected,
unbiased surveys of AGN (Invited)
11:35-12:00 H. Rottgering
radio galaxies as probes of galaxy and cluster formation(Invited)
12:00-12:20 M. Jarvis
A search
for quasars within the epoch of reionisation using radio surveys
12:20-12:40 D. Helfand
the Undetectable: Radio Emission from Radio-Quiet Quasars in the FIRST
12:40-13:00 D. Jauncey
Results from MASIV: the Micro Arcsecond Scintillation-Induced Variability
Part II. Results from surveys
16:00-16:35 L. Ho AGNs in the Local Universe (Review)
Luminosity Functions, Evolution and contribution
to the cosmic background
16:35-17:10 P. Osmer Luminosity function and evolution of
AGN (Review)
17:10-17:35 T. Miyaji Cosmological evolution of X-ray-selected
luminosity function (Invited)
17:35-18:00 A. Comastri X-ray background synthesis model:
latest news (Invited)
18:00-18:30 Coffee and poster viewing
18:30-18:55 F. La Franca The evolution of AGN in the
mid IR (Invited)
18:55-19:15 L. Silva Bridging the IR to
the X-ray background
19:15-19:35 Y. Ueda Cosmological Evolution
of the Hard X-ray AGN Luminosity Function
19:35-19:55 M. Brookes CENSORS: The VLT/VLA mJy Source
Survey for HighRedshift AGN Evolution
19:55-20:15 M. Marcha 10 years of BL Lac selection:
What have we learnt?
Wednesday 10
Unification and unconventional AGN
09:00-09:35 S. Veilleux Unification of Radio-Quiet AGNs:
Successes & Failures (Review)
09:35-10:10 M. Chiaberge New insights on unification
of radio loud AGN (Review)
10:10-10:30 J. Braatz GBT Surveys for H2O Maser Emission
in AGNs
10:30-11:00 Coffee and poster viewing
11:00-11:20 M. Worsley Obscured AGN and Type 2
QSOs in serendipitous Chandra cluster fields
11:20-11:40 R. Maiolino Elusive AGN
11:40-12:00 F. Nicastro Optical and X-ray Spectral
(and polarimetric) Survey of the ubiquitous 2-Phase Disk-Wind of
AGNs and its Intimate Link with Accretion
12:00-12:20 M. Guainazzi Obscured AGN and
the duty-cycle of the phenomenon: an unexpected connection?
12:20-12:40 S. Mendoza Physical processes on AGN behind
the alignment effect
Thursday 10
Co-evolution of AGN and galaxies and implications
for relic BH
09:00-09:25 Q. Yu Constraints on the QSO model
from the connection with local massive black hole (Invited)
09:25-09:50 T. Heckman The Host Galaxies of 23,000 AGN
from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Invited)
09:50-10:15 M. Kukula Quasar host galaxies: recent results
from HST (Invited)
10:15-10:40 G.L. Granato A Physical Model for the joint evolution
of QSOs and Spheroids (Invited)
10:40-11:00 M. Vestergaard Black Hole Masses of High-Redshift
11:00-11:30 Coffee and poster viewing
11:30-11:50 R. McLure The cosmological evolution
of quasar black-hole masses
Spectral Energy Distribution
11:50-12:25 B. Wilkes
Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs)
of Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) (Review)
12:25-12:50 G. Risaliti
X-ray weak AGNs (Invited)
16:00-16:25 M. Haas Quasars
in the Infrared (Invited)
16:25-16:45 C. Vignali The
Realm of the Ancient Quasars
16:45-17:05 J. Scott A Composite Extreme Ultraviolet
AGN Spectrum from FUSE and the AGN Contribution to the Low Redshift Ultraviolet
17:05-17:25 E. Perlman The X-ray Spectra of BL
Lac Objects: Simpler than we thought
17:25-18:00 Coffee and poster viewing
18:00-18:20 S. Haro Spectral Energy Distribution in
the UV-X ray region of three quasars
18:20-18:45 P. Hall Unconventional AGN from the SDSS(Invited)
Friday 12
Statistical properties of local AGN
09:00-09:25 J. Turner
X-ray properties
of local AGN (Invited)
09:25-09:50 E. Sturm AGN
in the mid-infrared (Invited)
09:50-10:15 N. Nagar Radio properties of local
AGN (Invited)
10:15-10:35 G. Kriss A Far-ultraviolet Spectroscopic
Survey of Low Redshift AGN
10:35-10:55 H. Schmitt A Survey of Extended [OIII]
Emission in Seyfert Galaxies
10:55-11:30 Coffee and poster viewing
11:30-11:50 N. Levenson Nearby Case Studies: The
Building Blocks for Interpreting Surveys
11:50-12:10 S. Gallagher A Sensitive Chandra Survey
of AGN Host Galaxies
12:10-12:30 M. Plionis The environment of local
AGNs and large scale structures
16:00-16:25 R. Gilli Large-Scale Structures in
the Chandra Deep Fields (Invited)
16:25-16:45 P. Martini New Results on the AGN Population
in Clusters of Galaxies
16:45-17:05 K. Brand The triggering and bias of
radio galaxies
17:05-17:25 O. Johnson AGN activity in high redshift
cluster and protocluster regions
17:25-17:45 L. Miller Large-scale structures and QSO
bias in the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey
17:45-18:15 Coffee and poster viewing
18:15-18:45 P. Osmer Concluding Remarks
Last modified by R. Mujica, Nov 30, 2003