
2022 INAOE graduation ceremony 


Santa María Tonantzintla, Puebla, November 10. With the commitment to work for the benefit of Mexican society and make innovative contributions to science and technology, this day the 2022 Generation graduated from the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE).

The foregoing, within the framework of a solemn ceremony attended by students along with their family and friends, as well as authorities, researchers and technical and administrative staff of this Conacyt public research center.

The ceremony was chaired by Dr. Edmundo Antonio Gutiérrez Domínguez, General Director of INAOE; Dr. Daniel Durini Romero, Director of Research and Technological Development; Dr. Francisco Renero Carrillo, Director of Academic Training, and M. C. José Gustavo González Arzate, Director of Scientific and Technological Research of the Puebla State Council of Science and Technology (Concytep), who attended on behalf of Dr. Victoriano Covarrubias Salvatori , Director General of said Council.

The new generation of INAOE graduates is made up of 112 women and men. This year, 78 master's students and 34 doctoral students graduated from programs in Astrophysics, Optics, Electronics, Computer Sciences, Space Science and Technology, Biomedical Sciences and Technologies, Security Sciences and Technologies, and Exact Sciences Teaching.

In his congratulatory message to the graduates, Dr. Edmundo Antonio Gutiérrez Domínguez, General Director of INAOE, commented that this day is very happy for the institution because it thus contributes to one of its obligations to Mexican society: education. and the training of high-level human resources.

“We are very happy in this cycle that is completed and that corresponds to the training of students. All that remains for me is to wish you the best in life, that you have a productive professional life and, above all, that you be happy with the knowledge and experiences you have acquired at INAOE and that you can use it in your daily life for the benefit of Mexican society." 

In this graduation ceremony, awards were given to students with the best averages in the different academic programs of the Institute, as well as diplomas to all graduates.

On behalf of his generation, Dr. Tonatiuh Hernández del Toro, a PhD graduate in Computer Science, addressed a message to all those present.

Last update:
30-11-2022 / 15:09 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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