
This day 137 INAOE master's and doctoral students graduated

Santa María Tonantzintla, Puebla, November 9, 2023. 110 master's students and 27 doctoral students make up the 2023 generation that this day graduated from the different postgraduate programs of the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE), center research center of the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt).

The ceremony was chaired by Dr. Edmundo Antonio Gutiérrez Domínguez, General Director of the INAOE; the Master Edmundo Tlatehui Percino, Municipal President of San Andrés Cholula; the Master José Gustavo González Arzate, Director of Research of the Science and Technology Council of the State of Puebla and who attended on behalf of its director, Dr. Victoriano Covarrubias Salvatori; Dr. Daniel Durini Romero, Director of Research and Technological Development of the INAOE, and Dr. Francisco Javier Renero Carrillo, Director of Academic Training.

In his message to the graduates, Dr. Edmundo Antonio Gutiérrez Domínguez said that the training of human talent is one of the activities that give the greatest luster to the INAOE.
He recalled that, to date, the Institute has graduated 2,600 students. “Today we have 14 postgraduate degrees, eight master's degrees and six doctorates,” he reported.
He reported that this year the first doctor in Biomedical Sciences and Technologies graduates as an example of the transformation in the training of human talent that involves disciplinary transversality and as “a sign that the Institute is not static, and that it has been transforming and evolving.” not only in its areas of research and technological development but also in the training of the human talent that the country requires.”

To the graduates he expressed: “You represent the INAOE as ambassadors. We have graduates in the public and private sectors outside and inside Mexico. This shows the impact of the education that you have had on a national and international level.”
In his message, Mr. Edmundo Tlatehui, municipal president of San Andrés Cholula, expressed: "I know that for a long time they waited for the moment to call themselves teachers, teachers, doctors, doctors, and this is the grand finale of this goal that will turn their lives into a starting point, at the beginning of the harvest. It is time to say thank you to the people who were part of your life.”
For his part, Dr. Francisco Renero asked the graduates to always be humble. He added that the road ahead will not be easy but that the tools they have make them powerful and free to propose many things and face the challenges of society.
“I'm sure they'll do an excellent job out there. You do not leave, you stay here forever, you are part of the INAOE, of its history. They have the INAOE tattooed,” he concluded.

In turn, Dr. Daniel Durini Romero stated: “We owe ourselves to the new generations, to society, to our immediate environment. We need to attract more boys and girls to this wonderful world of science and technology, and I hope we can attract a greater number of girls and women who can contribute. I am convinced that the success of science and technology lies in massification. and not on individual geniuses. We need more people to share this task with us, I hope you contribute to this.”
Mr. also addressed the graduates. José Gustavo González Arzate, from Concytep.
During the ceremony, the roll call of graduates from all INAOE postgraduate programs was held. Recognitions were also given to the best averages. Finally, Jorge Jaime Juárez Lucero, the first doctoral graduate in Biomedical Sciences and Technologies, gave a message on behalf of his generation colleagues.

Last update:
15-12-2023 / 14:18 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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