
Jeny Rojas, INAOE student, receives the Municipal Youth Award

A few days ago, Jeny Rojas, a student of the master's degree in Astrophysics at the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE), received from the mayor of San Andrés Cholula, Mtro. Edmundo Tlatehui Percino, the Municipal Youth Award in the 18 to 29 years category for academic achievements and scientific strengthening.

Jeny Roja, who studied a bachelor's degree in Applied Physics at BUAP, tells in an interview how she came to INAOE to study for a master's degree.
“It's a long story. Dr. Abraham Luna, from INAOE, taught an optional course at the Faculty and I entered out of curiosity and I really liked it. From that point on, I came to INAOE to do my professional internship, my social service, I took subjects, I did my thesis and that's how I got here.”
Currently, Jeny works on computer simulations with Dr. Aldo Batta.
For Jeny, this award is “a recognition of my academic career. I have made a lot of effort, since I was in graduate school I belonged to scientific dissemination groups, we went to different schools with Optics experiments or to give workshops to boys and girls of all ages and now that I am here I also try to participate, for example in the “Night of the Stars”.

Last update:
08-12-2023 / 17:05 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


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