
ISSSTEP executives visit INAOE

Santa María Tonantzintla, Puebla, September 11, 2023.- With the aim of exploring ways of working together and collaborating in the development of scientific and technological projects, this day the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE) received the visit of directors of the Institute of Security and Social Services of Workers at the Service of the Powers of the State of Puebla (ISSSTEP).

The delegation, headed by Dr. Amaury Alejandro Trejo Rivas, General Director of ISSSTEP, was received by Dr. Edmundo Antonio Gutiérrez Domínguez, General Director of INAOE.
The guests visited the historic Schmidt Chamber of Tonantzintla, where Dr. José Ramón Valdés Parra, Astrophysics Coordinator, gave a talk about the history of the telescope, the main discoveries made with the instrument and current projects.
In the Robotics Laboratory, Dr. Luis Enrique Sucar Succar, researcher of the Coordination of Computational Sciences, presented the system for rehabilitation of cerebral infarction patients “Gesture Therapy”.

On the other hand, in the Biomedical Optics Laboratory, Dr. Jorge Castro, researcher of the Optics Coordination, and his students presented the theoretical and experimental projects they carry out on the interaction of optical radiation with biological tissues, and in the Biomedical Optics Laboratory Photodynamic Therapy Dr. Teresita Spezzia spoke about the research work that she and her team develop around photodynamic therapy, a biophotonic technique that seeks alternatives to traditional clinical treatments.
On behalf of ISSSTEP, the presence of C. P. Enrique Meza Hernández, Deputy Director General of Finance and Administration; Dr. Gabriela Moreno Carpinteyro, Deputy General Medical Director; Dr. Juan Carlos Gerala Quintana, Services Coordinator in the General Directorate; Norma Alicia Rosales Méndez, Services Coordinator commissioned to the General Directorate; Mr. Luis Alejandro Segura Vázquez, Department Coordinator in the Technical Secretariat; Mr. Juan Cruz Rodríguez, General Coordinator of the Legal Affairs Unit; Mr. Fabián Rueda Girón, General Coordinator of the Strategic Development Unit, and Mr. Wendolyn Gálata Solís González, Office Coordinator in the Department of Organizational Communication.

Last update:
26-10-2023 / 17:05 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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