
Visit of the IPN and the FCE to the INAOE

Last Thursday, July 13, INAOE received the visit of personnel from two important institutions: the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and the Economic Culture Fund (FCE).
On behalf of the IPN came a group headed by Dr. Omar Matamoros, Head of the Science and Technology Diffusion Department. Also attended by Mtra. Lucero Guillen Díaz Barriga, from the Sub-directorate for Scientific Dissemination; the Mtra. Ana Cristina Olvera Peláez, from the Subdirectorate of Planning and Support Services; Mr. Daniel Alfredo de la Torre Guzmán, from the Editorial and Audiovisual Department; Wilder Chicana Nuncebay, Collaborator of the Operations Department of the "Luis Enrique Erro" Planetarium, and Ana Ruth Morales Cruz, Assistant Director. On behalf of the Fondo de Cultura Económica, Lic. Lorena Hernández Pacheco, and Lic. Aldair Rojas Guillén, from the coordination of the Leamos la Ciencia para Todos contest, were at INAOE.
During the visit of the IPN, Luis Enrique Erro, a key figure in the founding of the IPN and the former National Astrophysical Observatory of Tonantzintla, a historical precedent of the INAOE, was remembered. The IPN group toured some of the INAOE facilities where Erro's mark still remains: the Schmidt Chamber in Tonantzintla, the solar telescope that Erro bought in Paris with the support of President Lázaro Cárdenas, and the room where the collection of more than 15 thousand INAOE astrophotographic plates.
For their part, Lic. Lorena Hernández Pacheco, and Lic. Aldair Rojas Guillén gave the conference entitled “A look at Science for All”. They also made a donation to the Luis Enrique Erro Library of five books entitled Introduction to quantum mechanics, Under the sign of the bull, Computational simulations of materials and nanostructures, Gravitational waves and The map is the message. It is sought in the future that the INAOE and the FCE collaborate to disseminate science in a project that would contemplate the delivery of lectures by INAOE students and researchers, and the promotion of reading and, in a special way, of the already legendary and renowned collection Let's Read Science for All.

The visitors from the IPN and the FCE were attended by Dr. Francisco Renero Carrillo, Director of Academic Training at INAOE; Dr. Bertha Patricia Guzmán Velázquez, head of the Project Liaison and Management Office; M. C. Janina Nava Ariza, responsible for monitoring agreements; Lic. Ana María Ramírez Barreda, coordinator of outreach activities; Lic. Adriana Tecuapetla Moyotl, director of the Luis Enrique Erro Library, and M. C. Luis Enrique Garduño, outgoing president of the Student Committee.

Last update:
29-08-2023 / 13:11 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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