
The first doctor in Biomedical Sciences and Technologies from INAOE graduates

On July 11, Jorge Jaime Juárez Lucero became the first student to graduate from INAOE's doctoral program in Biomedical Sciences and Technologies.

That day, in a session in which Dr. Lidia Cedillo, rector of the BUAP, participated as a jury, Jorge Jaime Juárez Lucero defended the thesis work entitled "Detection of protein bands of biological interest in polyacrylamide gels, which he developed under the direction of doctors Anabel Socorro Sánchez Sánchez, researcher at the Coordination of Optics, and Leopoldo Altamirano Robles, researcher at the Coordination of Computational Sciences.
The members of the jury were Dr. María Lilia Cedillo Ramírez, Rector of the BUAP; doctors Hayde Peregrina Barreto and Raquel Díaz Hernández and doctor Rafael Izazaga Pérez, from INAOE, and doctor Manuel Martín Ortiz, from BUAP.
We congratulate Dr. Jorge Jaime Juárez Lucero.

Last update:
29-08-2023 / 13:07 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


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