
43rd International School for Young Astronomers at INAOE

Santa María Tonantzintla, Puebla, July 17, 2023. With the aim of promoting the specialization in Astrophysics of young people from Latin American countries and the Mexican Republic, astronomers from the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE) inaugurate the edition number 43 of the International School for Young Astronomers (ISYA) of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
This school will take place from July 17 to August 4 at the INAOE facilities. In an interview, Dr. Olga Vega, INAOE astronomer and one of the organizers, reports that this year the ISYA will have a specialized program in the review, analysis and processing of astrophysical databases which are public and can be used together with the infrastructure of telescopes that INAOE has.

ISYA received 39 students, 20 of them are from Latin American countries and the rest from different parts of Mexico. The astronomer stressed that the model of the school for young astronomers, organized by the IAU, proposes to promote and support astronomy in countries where there is no infrastructure in astronomical instrumentation, which is why the 43rd edition of the ISYA summoned young who are beginning their master's degree in Astrophysics to strengthen their research projects.

This year the school will have invited researchers of international stature specialized in different topics such as stellar astrophysics, the study of galaxies, radio astronomy and the management and processing of astronomical databases, the central theme of this edition, such as Dr. Alessandro Bressan, Dr. Daniela Calzetti, Dr. Roberto Cid-Fernándes, Dr. Roberto Galván-Madrid, to mention just a few from this year's program. And one of the most anticipated special guests is Dr. Sara Webb, an Australian researcher, who will teach the course on machine learning in Astronomy.
The ISYA committee of the IAU is made up of Dr. Itziar Aretxaga, director of the ISYA program; Dr. Olga Vega, director of the 43rd edition of ISYA, both researchers from the INAOE Astrophysics Coordination, and Dr. David Mota, from the University of Oslo. And the local committee is made up of several INAOE researchers such as doctors Miguel Chávez-Dagostino, Divakara Mayya, Alfredo Montaña, Mónica Rodríguez, Daniel Rosa-González, José Ramón Valdés and Javier Zaragoza-Cardiel.
For more information about the 43rd International School for Young Astronomers, you can consult:

Last update:
29-08-2023 / 12:31 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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