
INAOE Librarian Week

To celebrate the Librarian's Week, INAOE's Luis Enrique Erro Library organized a series of activities from July 10 to 13.

Events included a chess tournament on July 10 and 11. The winners of the tournament were Arquímides Méndez Molina, a Computer Science student, and Dr. Jorge Roberto Zurita Sánchez, a researcher at the Coordination of Electronics.

In addition, there was a theatrical presentation, a chess short film was screened and the conference "Chess, mathematics and emotional well-being" was given by Dr. Mauricio Osorio Galindo and Mtro. Alan G. Mendoza López, from the Olimpika Chess School.

On July 12, the activities of the Library Week continued with a book exchange where there were approximately 30 attendees, among them students, administrators and researchers who exchanged literature of different genres. The space was used to share time in board games.

Finally, on July 13, Lic. Lorena Hernández Pacheco and Lic. Aldair Rojas Guillén, from the Coordination of the Contest " Leamos la ciencia para todos" of the Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), gave the conference "A look at Science for All." At the end of the conference, the speakers made a donation to our library of five books: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Under the Sign of the Bull, Computational Simulations of Materials and Nanostructures, Gravitational Waves and The Map is the Message, titles that will soon be available to users of the INAOE library.


Last update:
23-08-2023 / 16:43 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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