
The INAOE Bioethics Committee is installed

On Thursday, July 13, the Research Ethics Committee (CEI) of INAOE, or Bioethics Committee, was created.

The committees for ethical research in human beainsg, also known as bioethics committees, are autonomous, institutional, interdisciplinary, plural and consultative collegiate bodies created to evaluate and rule on research protocols in human beings. In Mexico they are governed by the General Health Law and the national guide for its operation. They are registered with the Ministry of Health at the federal level. The Bioethics Committee will guard and rule that in all research carried out at INAOE with people, their human rights and dignity are respected, and that all the projects of this nature will have the informed consent of the study participants.

The constitutive act of the Bioethics Committee was signed by Dr. Edmundo Antonio Gutiérrez Domínguez as well as by the researchers that will be part of it: Dr. Carlos Gerardo Treviño Palacios, Dr. Teresita Spezzia Mazzocco and Dr. Anabel Socorro Sánchez Sánchez, from the Coordination of Optics; Dr. Luis Enrique Sucar Succar, from the Coordination of Computer Sciences; Dr. Francisco Javier Renero Carrillo, Director of Academic Training; all of them associated with the postgraduate program in Biomedical Sciences and Technologies In the INAOE Bioethics Committee, Mtra. Khiabet C. Abrajan Peñaloza and Mr. Jesus Bernal Espinosa.

Last update:
23-08-2023 / 16:23 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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