
Professional chapter IEEE EDS Puebla Section receives award for the best chapter of the year

For the quality and number of activities carried out throughout 2021-2022, the IEEE awarded the Puebla Professional Chapter of the Electron Devices Society (EDS) the "IEEE EDS 2022 Chapter of the Year Award":
This was reported by Dr. Joel Molina Reyes, a researcher at the INAOE Electronics Coordination and president of the aforementioned chapter, who added that this award is given annually and only one chapter out of a total of 252 currently, is chosen worldwide, " therefore, we are very pleased that they have awarded it to us in recognition of the quantity and quality of the scientific, technical, academic, social activities, etc., that we carried out during that period and that have had a positive impact on both the members of our academic community as well as in our local or regional society”.

Dr. Molina explained that the IEEE is the largest association of engineers, academics, and scientists worldwide, which brings together researchers, professionals, and students dedicated to various STEM areas: "Due to the enormous diversity in its areas of research and development, The IEEE has been divided into nine regions globally, and each region has two types of chapters: professional chapters and student chapters. We belong to the Puebla professional chapter of the Electron Devices Society (EDS), the electronic device society. As president of the professional chapter for about four years, I am responsible for planning, organizing, and executing many events that range from congresses with national and international speakers, summer schools with specialized topics, talks by distinguished IEEE researchers, and even We develop IEEE-funded projects with immediate positive impact on our local or regional community. The chapter is made up of three people: president, vice president and treasurer and this will be my last year, so it is necessary to renew our professional EDS chapter, as well as encourage students to generate the student EDS chapter, taking advantage of the great relevance that the development of electronic devices has had not only for INAOE but for the whole country”.
Dr. Molina added that the recognition covers a period of one year and recognizes not only the quantity but the quality of the various events that are organized and executed, as well as their positive impact on society: "There are many chapters around the world, Therefore, this distinction of the best chapter in the world is a great satisfaction, especially when you think about the difficult conditions that the Covid 19 pandemic had globally but that we took as an opportunity to support our local and regional community through the IEEE. . We are thousands of engineers and researchers around the world dedicated to scientific and technological development for the benefit of humanity. We want our effort to have a positive impact by bringing the results of science and technology closer to the population, offering solutions to specific problems and for this, IEEE has been a great institution with noble purposes that we hope can grow in number for the benefit of all. so we invite you to join in this global effort for the benefit of our communities.”

Last update:
22-08-2023 / 17:17 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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