
Work meeting INAOE- Regional Hospital of ISSSTE Puebla

On Monday, July 3, public servants from the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE) and the ISSSTE Puebla Regional Hospital held a meeting to sign a collaboration agreement and organize work groups to determine joint projects.

The meeting was attended by INAOE Dr. Francisco Renero Carrillo, Director of Academic Training; Dr. Patricia Guzmán Velázquez, head of the Project Liaison and Management Office (OVGP), and M. C. Janina Nava Ariza, of the OVGP. Dr. Anabel Sánchez Sánchez, researcher at the Optics Department, joined virtually.

On behalf of the ISSSTE were the doctors Dr. Silvia Aguilar Pacheco, Administrative Assistant Director, Hugo Morales Díaz, Medical Assistant Director, Mario Alberto Sorcia Aguilar, Teaching and Research Coordinator, José Luis Gálvez Romero, Head of Research; as well as the doctors, Edgar Aranzua Elizarraras, Mirna Schaiffini Salgado, Rogelio González Villarreal, Blanca Maldonado, Roberto Ramos Tercero, Priscila Esponisa de la Rosa, Alberto Dávila, Remedios Rodríguez, among others, all of them directors and coordinators of different specialties of the Regional Hospital.

Last update:
22-08-2023 / 16:34 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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