
Celebration of the 75 years of the transistor at the National Congress of Micro and Nanoelectronics


Santa María Tonantzintla, Puebla, December 15, 2022. From December 12 to 16, the 3rd National Micro and Nanoelectronics Congress (nanoMX2022) will take place at the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE), which this year joins the international celebrations for the 75th anniversary of the transistor.

The congress is held in a hybrid way and is organized by INAOE, Conacyt and the IEEE Electronic Devices Society (EDS-IEEE). It is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers interested in learning about recent advances in micro and nanoelectronics. Some of the most outstanding national and international scientists in their research area explore in their presentations the impact that the transistor has on the development of integrated electronics in Mexico and the world, as well as collaboration strategies on related topics between Mexican institutions. and international.

Among the topics that are presented in the different conferences of Nanomx2022, the history of the development of the transistor in Mexico and the world, the physics and technology of electronic materials and devices, the CAD tools to develop circuits and electronic devices, the technology of integrated circuit manufacturing and its applications, integrated circuit design and the impact of the semiconductor industry in Mexico.

Details are also presented on the national centers that develop electronic devices, the INAOE infrastructure for the development of electronic devices, the Isensmex project and the industry-academia-government-society relationship.

The program is made up of master lectures by doctors Iroshi Iwai and Kuniyuki Kakushima, from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; Andreas Kerber, from Inter Semiconductor Corporation, United States; Manuel Salim Maza, from Wipro Technologies, Mexico; Jiyoung Kim and Manuel Quevedo López, from the University of Texas in Dallas, Texas, United States, and Hugo Jesús Tiznado Vázquez, from UNAM.
Doctors Arturo Escobosa Echavarría, from Cinvestav; Jesús Israel Mejía, from QSM Semiconductors, Mexico; Fernado Guarín, Fellow of the IEEE; Fernando Mendoza Hernández, from Intel Guadalajara; Simon Deleonibus, from the Laboratoire d'Électronique des Technologies de l'information, France; Michael Shur, from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States, and Leong ONG Chua, from the University of California at Berkeley, in addition to various researchers and technicians from INAOE.

Within the framework of the congress, tours have been organized to the different laboratories of the INAOE Electronics Coordination.
The nanoMX2022 congress will conclude on December 16. For more information see

Last update:
16-12-2022 / 13:23 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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