
The book University Analytical Geometry, will support the learning of the exact sciences

With the aim of facilitating the learning of exact sciences and promoting the development of logical thinking among students, professors Dr. Joel Omar Yam Gamboa, Dr. Norma Palacios Ramírez and Dr. Abraham Luna Castellanos edited the book “Geometry University Analytics”, a text that clearly supports knowledge and favors study in the classroom, which can be used by those interested in mathematics at any educational institution.

During the book presentation event that took place in the Media Library of the Santiago Pacheco Cruz library on the Chetumal Bahía campus of the Autonomous University of the State of Quintana Roo, in which the general director of Research, Postgraduate and Liaison was present, Dr. Antonio Higuera Bonfil and the director of the Division of Science, Engineering and Technology, Dr. Jaime Ortegón Aguilar; It was highlighted that this is the result of a collaborative effort with the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE).

The authors of the book are Dr. Norma Palacios Ramírez and Dr. Joel Omar Yam Gamboa, both from UQRoo, and Dr. Abraham Luna Castellanos, lead researcher B of the Astrophysics coordination and teaching representative of the Master's Degree in Exact Sciences Teaching at the INAOE, explained that the main reason for preparing the book arose from the need to have an updated text that is supportive in imparting knowledge in the exact sciences to the students.

The content of the book has the endorsement of the teachers who teach the Master's Degree in Exact Sciences Teaching at the INAOE and contains the points that are addressed in one semester. This text will be available in print in the UQRoo library for student consultation. ; In the short term it will be placed online so that more users can access, print and use it; Due to its content review by experts, other Higher Education Institutions may use it.

Dr. Abraham Luna Castellanos, professor at INAOE, expressed his satisfaction with the collaborative work with UQRoo and commented that the link translates into the development of a framework agreement between the two Higher Education Institutions to formalize the academic link for the development of more research projects.


Last update:
01-02-2024 / 17:18 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,  difusion@inaoep.mx

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