
The UNLP awards an Honoris Causa Doctorate to Elena and Roberto Terlevich

On December 7, Dr. Elena Terlevich and Dr. Roberto Terlevich, researchers from the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE), received an Honoris Causa Doctorate from the National University of La Plata in Argentina (UNLP ).
According to information from the Faculty of Astronomical and Geophysical Sciences (FCAG) of the UNLP, there are solid reasons for this designation in their "home", the aforementioned Faculty, where they studied.

FCAG authorities, colleagues, friends, disciples and relatives were present at the ceremony. The winners emphasized the love and appreciation of their students and colleagues and their forever gratitude to a free public university.
Dr. Guillermo Bosch commented: "This is a beautiful moment [...] Our generation, who entered the Faculty as students after the return of democracy, we always noticed that there was a time when no one talked about. [...] So, A few years later, when I had to graduate and start my first years of postgraduate studies, the possibility of going to England arose and my director at the time, Nidia Morrel, recommended that I go to work with Elena and Roberto.It was a career change. , of life. Not only in the experience of being outside but in the experience of meeting a couple of researchers/foster parents/counselors and that was the case for all of us who were lucky enough to share and work with them."

For her part, the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Amalia Meza pointed out: "As Dean of the Faculty, I have the enormous honor of awarding these Doctor Honoris Causa diplomas, it is the most important distinction that our University has for those highly outstanding in science, in the academy, in culture and who have always had a connection with our university. Elena and Roberto are candidates par excellence".
Before receiving the diplomas, Dr. Elena Terlevich said: "Since Guille (Bosch) asked me to make a video call where they had something to tell us, all the emotions passed through us together: the existing ones and the ones we didn't know existed went through our hearts. Disbelief, immense gratitude. Roberto said: "No, they're going to give it to us! That three of our students tell us that they want to give us something back, give us something, that has no value. And then, of course, that mixture of joy and such a great pain to think of all the people who are behind this title. The colleagues who went with us and made their careers abroad, the colleagues who didn't get to go and make their careers, the friends, parents, siblings and the families of the brothers. All those who supported us. The dear colleagues who supported us through thick and thin. This title belongs to everyone."
Finally, Dr. Roberto Terlevich pointed out, "This is an award for the education we received at the Faculty. This place taught us... some beloved professors, also from the Department of Physics, taught us to seek excellence and to have fun with science and with the students. That is why I think that, above all, it is an award to the Faculty and to the place that taught us to be scientists. This morning I came here and I felt that I was nervous as if I were going to take an exam I am very happy and grateful to so many friends, colleagues and family, thank you Guillermo for this unforgettable event".

Images and information taken from the page of the Faculty of Astronomical and Geophysical Sciences of the UNLP.

Last update:
16-12-2022 / 13:26 by Guadalupe Rivera Loy


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,  difusion@inaoep.mx

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