**************************************************** 2nd ANNOUNCEMENT ---------------- Guillermo-Haro International Advanced School: "A Pan-Chromatic View on Clusters of Galaxies and Large-Scale Structure" INAOE, Tonanzintla-Mexico June 27 - July 8, 2005 http://www.inaoep.mx/gh2005 ***************************************************** MOTIVATION ------------------ The study of clusters of galaxies has developed significantly in recent years due to large dedicated spectroscopic and wide-field imaging surveys, covering X-ray to radio wavelengths, and the simultaneous advances in numerical astrophysics. It is therefore timely to update previous reviews on the physical nature of clusters and their evolution. This summer-school will provide the opportunity to disseminate the new results and methodologies in cluster research to senior graduate students and young post-docs training in multi-wavelength astrophysics and cosmology. The advanced school will be restricted to ~100 participants selected from those that register before the final deadline of April 1st 2005. The applicants should be familiar with modern extragalactic and observational cosmology research, and some of the topics covered by the Advanced School. LECTURE PROGRAM ----------------------- The main program will consist of a total of ~50 hours of advanced lectures and will cover a wide range of cluster related topics, among which: * Clusters and the Cosmic Web (Census of Cosmic Web, Formation and Evolution of the Cosmic Web - Linear and Non-linear structure growth, Press-Schecter and extended Press-Schecter, Statistical analysis of Cosmic Web, etc) * Cluster Gas Dynamics (X-ray emission, radiation transport properties, heating and cooling of the ICM, hydrostatic equilibrium distributions in the ICM, masses of clusters from hydrostatic equilibrium, dynamics of clusters -- accretion and mergers, hydrodynamics of the ICM, etc) * Radio emission, cluster radio sources, diffuse cluster emission, magnetic fields * Evolution of galaxy populations in clusters, morphology of cluster galaxies and implications for star formation. * The metal content of galaxy clusters (ICM and galaxies), metal transfer from galaxies to the ICM, metal production in clusters, the chemical evolution of the universe. * Cosmological constraints using clusters, non-Gaussianity and Dark Energy from galaxy clusters, the future of cosmology with galaxy clusters. * The physics of the SZ effect (Inverse-Compton scattering -- Kompaneets eq. and the non-relativistic limit, the relativistic limit, the SZ thermal and non-thermal effects, the Compton y parameter, the kinematic effect etc), Observing the SZ effects (observation design, Basic observation types: radiometers, interferometers, bolometers, etc) * N-body Simulations: Simulation techniques; Simulations of the large-scale structure; The abundance of dark matter halos; The clustering of halos; The structure of halos, adding gas and galaxies. The detailed program will appear in our web-page shortly. FINAL LIST OF LECTURERS --------------------------------------- The advanced lecture material will be delivered by the following experts: * Luis Aguilar * Mark Birkinshaw * Dick Bond * Stefano Borgani * George Djorgovski * Luigina Feretti * Carlos Frenk * Jaqueline van Gorkom * Christine Jones * Jean-Paul Kneib * Alvio Renzini * Craig Sarazin * Rien van de Weygaert REGISTRATION -------------- About ~100 participants will be selected to attend the advanced school from those that register before the final deadline of April 1st 2005. Registration can be completed on-line via our web-page: http://www.inaoep.mx/gh2005 For those that have already registered as "probable" participants and want to change their status to "definite", they must send a relevant email to gh2005@inaoep.mx but should not re-registered via our web-page. HOTEL INFORMATION ---------------------------------- The registered participants should book their hotel reservation not later than the 15th of April 2005. We have arranged relatively cheap accommodation with the 'Hotel Posada Senorial" in Cholula, from where buses will collect the participants in the morning and take them back in the evening. The cost for a double or triple room is of 526,5 and 585 Mexican pesos, respectively plus 25 pesos for transport per person per day (in total about 52 US dollars or 40 Euros per day). Note that there is the possibility to join with other student of the school to occupy the same double or triple room and thus lower the accommodation cost to 1/2 or 1/3 of the price. The Hotel has the following address: Av. 5 de Mayo #1400, San Andres, Cholula, Puebla (not to be confused with a similarly named hotel at the center of Cholula). The booking can be done by email or by phone. The email to which you should send your booking details (name, dates etc) is: hotelposada@hotmail.com and the telephone number: +52-222-2470049, +52-222-2476677, +52-222-2477479, +52-222-2479283 You should also state clearly in your email message or telephone the following: "For the conference "Pan-Chromatic View of Clusters" organized by INAOE" Please send also a copy of your hotel booking details (name, institute, dates etc) to the GH2005 secretary in the following email address: secregh@inaoep.mx (just for our information - the GH2005 organization will not deal with your booking arrangements). PROCEEDINGS ----------- The lectures will be published before the end of 2005, either as part of the ASP Conference series, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Physics or by Kluwer Academic Press. CONFERENCE FEE -------------- The registration fee of 220 US dollars covers the cost of the published proceedings, the lunches and coffee-breaks. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE ------------------------------------------- Stefano Borgani (Trieste) Hans Bohringer (MPI) George Djorgovski (Caltech) Luigina Feretti (CNR) Carlos Frenk(Durham) Jacqueline van Gorkom (Columbia) Lyman Page (Princeton) Jim Peebles (Princeton) Craig Sarazin (Virginia) Rachid Sunayev (MPI) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE --------------------- David Hughes, Omar Lopez-Cruz, Manolis Plionis