**************************************************** 1st ANNOUNCEMENT ---------------- Guillermo-Haro International Advanced School: "A Pan-Chromatic View on Clusters of Galaxies and Large-Scale Structure" INAOE, Tonanzintla-Mexico June 27 - July 8, 2005 http://www.inaoep.mx/gh2005 ***************************************************** MOTIVATION ---------- The study of clusters of galaxies has developed significantly in recent years due to large dedicated spectroscopic and wide-field imaging surveys, covering X-ray to radio wavelengths, and the simultaneous advances in numerical astrophysics. It is therefore timely to update previous reviews on the physical nature of clusters and their evolution. This summer-school will provide the opportunity to disseminate the new results and methodologies in cluster research to senior graduate students and young post-docs training in multi-wavelength astrophysics and cosmology. The advanced school will be restricted to ~100 participants selected from those that register before the final deadline of April 1st 2005. The applicants should be familiar with modern extragalactic and observational cosmology research, and some of the topics covered by the Advanced School. PROGRAMME --------- The main programme will consist of a total of ~50 hours of advanced lectures covering the following range of topics: * Structure formation theories: from initial perturbations to clusters and galaxies * The cluster - large-scale structure connection * Cluster internal dynamics I: gravo-thermal processes, violent relaxation, dynamical friction, tidal stripping * Cluster internal dynamics II: accretion, merging, ICM * Multi-wavelength properties & clusters Searches (Optical, IR, Radio, HI, X-ray) * Cluster N-body simulations * The Sunayev-Zel'dovich effect * Cluster lensing * Evolution of galaxy populations in clusters * Precision cosmology with clusters LECTURERS --------- The advanced lecture material will be delivered by the following experts: * Luis Aguilar * Mark Birkinshaw (TBC) * Dick Bond (TBC) * Stefano Borgani * George Djorgovski * Luigina Feretti * Carlos Frenk * Jaqueline van Gorkom * Christine Jones * Jean-Paul Kneib * Alvio Renzini * Craig Sarazin * Rien van de Weygaert A more detailed programme of the individual lectures will be made available shortly on our web-page and in a future circular. VENUE ----- The advanced school is part of the annual international Guillermo Haro programme, which promotes advanced research through the organization of lecture series, workshops, and conferences at the Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica in Tonanzintla - Puebla, Mexico. REGISTRATION -------------- About ~100 participants will be selected to attend the advanced school from those that register before the final deadline of April 1st 2005. Registration can be completed on-line via our web-page: http://www.inaoep.mx/gh2005 HOTEL INFORMATION ---------------------------------- Information regarding the accomodation during the advanced school will appear shortly in our web-page and in our next circular. PROCEEDINGS ----------- The lectures will be published before the end of 2005, either as part of the ASP Conference series, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Physics or by Kluwer Academic Press. CONFERENCE FEE -------------- The registration fee of 220 US dollars covers the cost of the published proceedings, the lunches and coffee-breaks. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE ------------------------------------------- Stefano Borgani (Trieste) Hans Bohringer (MPI) George Djorgovski (Caltech) Luigina Feretti (CNR) Carlos Frenk(Durham) Jacqueline van Gorkom (Columbia) Jim Peebles (Princeton) Lyman Page (Princeton) Craig Sarazin (Virginia) Rachid Sunayev (MPI) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE --------------------- David Hughes, Omar Lopez-Cruz, Manolis Plionis