The Department of Electronics of the INAOE was created in 1971, when the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics was founded. The postgraduate degree in electronics began in 1974 with the launch of the Microelectronics Laboratory. In this discipline, research, technological development, and training of high quality human resources are carried out in the areas of Microelectronics, Integrated Circuit Design, Electronic Instrumentation and Communications.

To date, the Coordination has 34 scientists; 32 with appointment of Researcher, two as Technologists and one in the CONACyT Chairs program. Of these, 88.6% belong to the National System of Researchers and 40.0% are National Researchers Level 2 and 3. There are also 19 technicians assigned to the different laboratories, who give support to the research and technological development projects that are carried out.

In addition, the Department receives visiting researchers, both national and foreign, and postdoctoral researchers. In 2021 there is one researcher leading a collaboration and one researcher conducting a postdoctoral study.

A substantial activity in the Department consists of the training of high-level human resources. Each year the department serves an average of 50 Master's students and 60 Doctoral students in its areas of technological research and development. Additionally, students visit from other universities, technological institutes, and related institutions to develop research projects as part of their social service, professional residency, or undergraduate theses.

Research and technological development projects are carried out on a daily basis, financed by various sources, both public and private. These projects are developed in the laboratories with which it has coordination, among which we can mention those of Testing and Characterization of Integrated Circuits, LIMEMS, Microelectronics and Analysis of Nanomaterials and Microdevices.

Another activity of the Coordination is the active participation in various scientific societies such as the Mexican Society of Science and Technology of Surfaces and Materials, Mexican Society of Physics, IEEE, among others, which allow both the permanent updating and dissemination of knowledge and the participation in specialized forums in the different research areas at a global level.

Finally, it is pertinent to mention that thanks to their multidisciplinarity, researchers collaborate development of various research projects with other INAOE departments, as well as with other academic institutions.

 Lines of investigation

The Electronics Coordination consists of four Research Groups, each of which is dedicated to a Knowledge Generation and/or Application Line; Microelectronics; Integrated Circuit Design; and Electronic Instrumentation and Communications.

Last update
02-03-2022 / 12:08 by Webmaster INAOE


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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