About Us


INAOE is heir to a great scientific tradition that dates back to 1942, when Luis Enrique Erro founded the National Astrophysical Observatory of Tonantzintla. At that time, Tonantzintla was chosen as the ideal place for the installation of the Observatory, which met the demanding quality standards such as clear nights and quantity per year, as well as geographical height and minimum light incidence of nearby towns, since in In the capital of the Republic it was not possible to install a modern Observatory.

This Observatory was inaugurated with the Schmidt Chamber of Tonantzintla, opening the doors to modern astronomy in Mexico and Latin America. The importance of the Astrophysical Observatory of Tonantzintla crossed the borders of Mexico, being recognized the work carried out by internationally recognized astronomers, among which were the founder Luis Enrique Erro himself; Dr. Guillermo Haro, Prof. Luis Rivera Terrazas, Dr. Luis Munch and the astronomer Enrique Chavira, among others.

The INAOE has a collection of around 15 thousand astro-photographic plates obtained in the Schmidt Chamber from various regions of the celestial vault, mainly from the constellations of Orion, the Bull, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, among other

Various discoveries were made with this Chamber, the main one being the Herbig-Haro objects, considered as indicators of the beginning of star formation. Nova and supernova stars, blue galaxies and countless burst stars were also discovered, as well as Comet Haro-Chavira, discovered in 1954 in the Toro region.

Erro was replaced in the direction of the Observatory by Dr. Guillermo Haro, under whose direction it became one of the most important centers in Latin America due to the quality of the scientific work carried out there. Haro himself realized the importance of optics and electronics for the country, so in 1971 he decided to found the INAOE.

In 1972 the Optics Department was founded, and two years later the Electronics Department began its activities. Since its creation, one of the main objectives of the INAOE has been the preparation of young researchers, capable of identifying and solving scientific and technological problems in astrophysics, optics, electronics and related areas. In 1972 Haro began his master's studies in Optics and in 1974 those in Electronics. In 1984 the doctorate program in Optics began, and in 1993 the doctorate programs in Electronics; as well as the master's and doctorate in Astrophysics. Finally, in August 1998, the computer science master's and doctorate program began.

To ensure that students are in a suitable work environment and develop their capacities to the maximum, a full-time dedication is required of them.

The INAOE for its part provides them with work areas, laboratories and computer equipment, as well as support to obtain scholarships and national and foreign institutions.

Last update
23-02-2022 / 10:48 by Webmaster INAOE


Luis Enrique Erro # 1, Tonantzintla, Puebla, México, Código Postal 72840, Tel: (222) 266.31.00,

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