This workshop will bring together experts in cosmology, galaxy evolution, massive stars, ISM and extra-solar planets with the designers of future observational facilities, with special emphasis on wide field and multi-fiber spectrophotometry on the pathway to the 6.5m TWIN telescopes in SPM.

It is an ideal occasion for colleagues from the Institutions with interest in the TWIN project to meet and discuss about the main driver i.e. the science, the telescopes and the instrumentation necessary to achieve the scientific goals. Other topics of interest are the relation between the TWIN telescopes and the  large facilities to which Mexican astronomers have or may have access, LMT/GTM,GTC,VLA,LDSS

Guillermo Haro Program Board:

  • Roberto Terlevich
  • Jesus González
  • Jose Guichard
  • Alfonso Serrano
  • Jose Franco
  • Miguel Chávez
  • Elena Terlevich
  • Emanuele Bertone
  • Daniel Rosa González
  • Roberto Terlevich
  • Rosario Sánchez

Workshop Aims:

To produce a substantial advance in:

  1. The main scientific aims
  2. The design of the telescopes
  3. The instrumentation
  4. The software
  5. And the sinergy of the TWIN telescopes with other large facilities.

To this end the organizers are inviting participants from each of the Institutions that either have signed the agreement or have shown interest in participate in the project, plus up to 10 participants with expertize in other large facilities such as GTC,LMT/GTM,VLA,LDSS,Magellan,etc, and colleagues from other Mexican institutions.

Organization of the Workshop

It will be in working groups each one with a leader. The proposed working groups are:

  • The study of the evolution of nearby galaxies from high resolution 3D spectrophotometry
  • Deep and wide redshift surveys
  • Searches of extra-solar planets
  • Multiple Integral Field Units systems
  • Individual fiber systems
  • Medium dispersion (R~4000) spectrograph covering from 350nm to 1800nm
  • High dispersion (R>10000) high stability (1m/s) spectrographs
  • AO
  • Wide field telescope
  • Normal field telescope
  • Telescope and Instrument control
  • Data menagement, pipe-line reduction and archiving

The leaders will be selected from the final list of participants.

One of the aims of the groups will be to provide a short document describing the discussions, conclusions and recommendations of each group.

When choosing the dates for your travel please notice that the first week of the workshop will focus on TWIN project issues while the other two weeks will concentrate more on science and instrumentation topics.

© INAOE - AGC 2006