The Guillermo Haro

Workshop on
AGN Surveys

June 23 to July 11, 2003

Organizers: Roberto Maiolino(Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Italy) &
Raúl Mújica (INAOE,  Mexico)

The Conference


Format of the Workshop

The "AGN Surveys" workshop (June 23 to July 11, 2003) is organized as part of the Guillermo Haro Program in Astrophysics, and it will be held at the premises of INAOE, in Puebla, Mexico.  As in previous Guillermo Haro Workshops, a selected group of experts from all over the world have been  invited to work together in Tonantzintla.

The format of the workshop is different from "classical" workshops. Although there will be time for presentations, the main goal of the workshop will be to spend most of the time in discussions, exchanging ideas and working in collaboration with other participants. The possibility of getting together a team of world-class researchers and graduate students for a significant period of time, in a pleasant environment, with the necessary research tools,
and far away from every-day life distractions is a unique opportunity to have long and deep discussions, and to concentrate on carrying out real work.  Existing collaborations, and those that will develop during the workshop, can lead to a significant and rapid progress of the field.

The format of the Guillermo Haro workshops is  very flexible in order to facilitate the activities between participants and to optimize any scientific outcome. Therefore format and program of the workshop have still to be defined. Yet, the general idea is that each each morning there will be 2-3 presentations (about 45 min each), with ample time for discussions. Each of the participants is welcome to present his/her work during one of these sessions.  During the afternoon we will alternatively organize a discussion on specific topics and working groups on different areas. Much time will be left free for the participants to discuss, to work in team on existing collaborations, or on those that will develop during the workshop, or even to work on their own projects.

Keep in mind that the facilities of INAOE (offices, library, computer services, etc) will be available to all participants.

List of External Participants
In addition to the INAOE members, the following astronomers will participate in the workshop: