8:00 PM at Hotel Camino Real ---- WELCOME COCKTAIL


9:00 - 9:30  Opening Ceremony

Morning Session

 9:30 - 10:05  Dick Bond: The Cosmic Microwave Background

10:05 - 10:40  Paul Shapiro: Reionization of the Universe and Its Feedback Effect on Galaxy Formation

10:40 - 11:10 Coffee and posters

11:10 - 11:30  Joop Schaye: Constraining reionization using the thermal history of the baryons.

11:30 - 12:05  Greg Bryan: Simulating the Structure of Galaxy Formation

12:05 - 12:25  Enzo Branchini: Measuring Galaxy Biasing Function From PSCz Survey

12:25 - 12:45   Tom Abel: Three dimensional radiative transfer for  studying the reionization of the Universe

12:45 - 13:05  Pepe Franco: Photoionized Regions

13:05 - 15:00  Lunch

Afternoon Session

15:00 - 15:20  Enrique Gaztanaga: Large Scale Structure in the weakly non-linear regime.

15:20 - 15:40  Francesco Miniati: Acceleration of Cosmic Rays at Large Scale Shocks and their Cosmological
                                                            Implications for Structure Formation in the Universe.

15:40 - 16:15  Neal Katz: Simulations of galaxy formation in CDM models.

16:15 - 16:35  Adriano Fontana: High z evolution of optically and IR--selected galaxies: a comparison with CDM scenarios.

16:35 - 16:55  Vladimir Avila-Reese: Dark Matter Halos and Disk Galaxy Evolution.

16:55 - 17:40  Coffee and posters

17:00 - 18:00  Robert Braun: Compact HVCs: Galactic Building Blocks in the Current Epoch

18:00 - 18:20  Fabio Governato: The morphological evolution of galaxy satellites.

18:20 - 18:55  Andrea Ferrara: Dust and metal production in the early universe

18:55 - 19:15  Sandra Savaglio: Metallicity evolution and dust properties in the Universe through the study of Damped Lyman--alpha systems


Morning Session

 9:00 - 9:35  Alex Lazarian: Magnetic Feedback: The Evolution of Magnetic Fields

 9:35 - 10:10 Steve Shore: Feedback Processes, Star Formation, and Galactic Evolution

 10:10 - 10:30  Antonio Parravano: The FUV Radiation Field and the Two Phase Structure of the Interstellar Medium.

10:30 - 10:50 Coffee and Posters

10:50 - 11:25 Guillermo Tenorio-Tagle: Superbubles and Galaxy Evolution.

11:25 - 11:45 Nicola Caon: Gaseous and stellar kinematics in gas-rich early-type galaxies.

11:45 - 12:05 Dmitri Pogosyan: Velocity Modification of HI Power Spectrum

12:05 - 12:25 Luc Binette: A Low Metallicity Gas Shell around the radio galaxy 0943-242 at z=2.92

12:25 - 12:45  Xavier Hernandez: Initial angular momentum distribution in forming galaxies and correlations between present day structural parameters

12:45 - 13:05 Shardha Jogee: Making Nuclear Starbursts: Clues from a Molecular Gas Survey

13:05 - 15:00  Lunch

Afternoon Session

15:00 - 15:35  Roberto Terlevich: Chemodynamical Evolution

15:35 - 16:10  Gerhard Hensler: Chemodynamical Evolution of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies and the Effect of Gas Infall

16:10 - 16:30  Horacio Dottori: Dynamical and Chemical Evolution of the LMC

16:30 - 17:10  Coffee and posters

17:10 - 17:30 Simone Recchi: Chemical And Dynamical Evolution In Gas Rich Dwarf Galaxies

17:30 - 18:05 Angeles Diaz: Chemical abundances in star forming regions

18:05 - 18:25 Leticia Carigi: Carbon and oxygen Galactic Abundance Gradients Predicted by Chemical Evolution Models

18:25 - 18:45 Marc Azzopardi: Carbon star luminosity function: a possible test to gauge parent system metalicity.


Morning Session

  9:00 -  9:35 Jorge Melnick: The IMF of starburst systems

  9:35 -  9:55 Alessandro Boselli: The history of star formation in normal late-type galaxies

9:55 - 10:15  Marie Treyer: Star-Formation In the Local Universe

10:15 - 10:35 Francois Legrand: Continuous low star formation rate in dwarf galaxies

10:35 - 10:55  Coffee and posters

10:55 - 11:15  Karen O'Neil: The Morphology, Color and Gas Content of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

11:15 - 11:35  Lexi Moustakas: Cosmological and Star Formation Constraints Using Infrared-Excess Galaxies

11:35 - 12:10  Jack Sulentic: Induced Star Formation in Compact Groups

12:10 - 12:45  Felix Mirabel: Merger driven galaxies

12:45 - 13:05  Elias Brinks: A Bird's eye View of Ocular Galaxies


VISIT to historical places.


Morning Session

  9:00 - 9:35  Howard K.C. Yee: Star Formation and Galaxy Environment

  9:35 -  9:55  Ignacio Ferreras: Probing The Evolution Of Early-Type Cluster Galaxies Through Chemical Enrichment

  9:55 - 10:15 David Schade: Galaxy Evolution: The Cluster-Field Connection

10:15 - 10:35 Alejandro Terlevich: Stellar populations and the colour magnitude relation in Coma.

10:35 - 11:10 Coffee and posters

11:10 - 11:45 Omar Lopez-Cruz: Elliptical galaxies and the Enrichment of the ICM

11:45 - 12:05 Michael Gladders: The Toronto Red-Sequence Cluster Survey: First Results

12:05 - 12:25 Nicola Menci: X-ray Galaxy Clusters and the Cosmic Star Formation Rate

12:25 - 12:45 Mark Voit: Cosmological Constrains from X-ray Cluster Evolution

12:45 - 13:05 Deborah Dultzin-Hacyan: A model to explain periodic & cuasi-periodic X-ray variability in AGN

13:05 - 15:00  Lunch

Afternoon Session

15:00 - 15:35 David Elbaz: ISOCAM Deep Surveys

15:35 - 15:55  Hector Flores: Deep 7 and 15 micron survey: Spectrophotometry, Morphology and Spectral Energy
                         Distribution of ISO sources

15:55 - 16:15 Tomasso Treu: Observational constraints on the formation of elliptical galaxies: a NICMOS-optical survey

16:15 - 16:50: Rachel Somerville: Merging in a Hierarchical Universe: Implications for LBGs, AGN, and DLAS

16:50 - 17:20  Coffee and posters

17:20 - 17:55 David Hughes: Submillimetre and Millimetre Wavelength Surveys and the History of Star Formation at High-Redshift

17:55 - 18:15 James Lowenthal: Detailed Characteristics of Starforming Galaxies at z~3

18:15 - 18:35  Gabriela Mallen-Ornelas: Internal Kinematics of Blue Field Galaxies to z=0.7

8:00 PM at Restaurante Meson del Molino --- CONFERENCE DINNER


Morning Session

10:30 - 10:50  Paul Francis: What do High Redshift Galaxy Clusters Look Like?

10:50 - 11:10  Sara Ellison: Metals in the Lyman Alpha Forest.

11:10 - 11:30  Stephanie Cote: Ly alpha absorbers associated with very nearby galaxies

11:30 - 12:10  Coffee and posters

11:10 - 12:45  Susan Lamb: Galaxy Collisions and Star Formation

12:45 - 13:05  Claudia Moeller: Models of Spectral Galaxy Evolution  including the Effects of Dust

13:05 - 15:00  Lunch

Afternoon Session

15:00 - 15:20  Jarle Brinchmann: The masses and evolution of galaxies from z=0 to z=1

15:20 - 15:40 Chris Moss: The dependence of tidally-induced circumnuclear starburst emission on cluster density

15:40 - 16:00  Alex Lazarian: Grain alignment and polarization

16:00 - 16:20 Poster presentations

16:20 - 17:45  Coffee and posters

17:45 - 17:30 Panel Discussion